We warned her about Rebecca

Coming Up Next On #IsithaTheEnemy
Monday 6 May 2024
Episode 6
A Little Too Late
Estranged Nolitha shows up in black to mourn on the mattress with the family.
Tuesday 7 May 2024
Episode 7


When It Rains It Pours
The Sokhulus host a beautiful service, but it suddenly does not end well, and all goes up in flames.
Wednesday 8 May 2024
Episode 8
An Ancestor Is Born
The Sokhulus go to the hospital to fetch their loved one’s spirit, this breaks them while bringing them together.
Thursday 9 May 2024
Episode 9
Family Fued
, but Nandi surprises them with a weapon of her own. The family receives a bittersweet surprise.
Friday 10 May 2024
Episode 10
Ashes To Ashes
Lookout for: The show’s new title sequence which debuts tonight
The Sokhulus get to the Mkhize house with guns blazing, demanding the ashes back. TK offers a shoulder for Thenji to cry on, whilst working on his promise to help them during these trying times.