Uzalo Coming up this week

Coming up on Uzalo this Week
Monday 3 June 2024
Episode 68
Sgidi is surprised by his parents’ reaction to his new toy. Mbatha is hit with a reality check when his usual expectations are not met while Nokuthula gets away scot-free. MaDongwe has found new joy while Hawu tries to appease Nonka, and Sipho speaks a harsh truth to his father.
Tuesday 4 June 2024




Episode 69
Nkunzi can’t stand to see his old enemy being celebrated in his township. Mondli reels when he learns of another station robbery. The church tent baptism is disrupted by masked men.
Wednesday 5 June 2024
Episode 70
Screwdriver and Mzwezwe table their conditions for becoming KwaMashu FC superfans. Mondli insists that the church robbery case must take priority. The Shlobos recognize Mbatha’s tattoo from the robber’s video.
Thursday 6 June 2024
Episode 71
Constable Biyela walks scot-free. Mbatha has an ace up his sleeve, while Screwdriver ups and leaves from hearing the news of Mbatha’s arrest.
Friday 7 June 2024
Episode 72
Mondli wants to nail Nyawo to the cross. Geja prepares the love of his life to deal with challenges of ruling a people. Mbatha realizes that there are no friends in the land of trouble.
Monday 10 June 2024
Episode 73
A banished Ngidi pleads his case to Nokuthula to pardon him like the others. Prince reckons with life and death with Biyela’s gun on his face. Nkunzi’s emotional fit signals something deeper to Izinsizwa.