Screwdriver, a popular actor from the hit South African soap opera Uzalo, has revealed the surprising and challenging reason he continues to use public transport despite his television fame. The actor, whose real name is not widely known, candidly shared his experiences of being bullied and misunderstood by the public due to his choice of transportation.
In a heartfelt revelation, Screwdriver explained, “I don’t have a car, so I use public transport to travel. Sometimes when I get into a taxi, some people throw painful remarks at me. Some laugh at me. They don’t understand that ngisahlanganisa (I’m still building my life), and at this point, I don’t have things that show I’m working. Some go as far as accusing me of misusing my salary because I appear on TV but don’t live a high
life.”Screwdriver’s openness sheds light on the misconceptions and pressures faced by actors, particularly those who have yet to achieve significant financial stability. Despite his presence on a popular TV show, he disclosed that his salary on Uzalo is currently just R5,000 per month, and his net worth is approximately R100,000. These figures highlight the reality that not all television actors lead the glamorous lifestyles often associated with their on-screen personas.The actor’s story has sparked discussions about the financial realities of the entertainment industry and the undue pressure placed on public figures to maintain certain appearances. Fans and followers have expressed their support for Screwdriver, commending his honesty and resilience.Screwdriver’s experience serves as a reminder that building a successful career takes time and that external appearances can be deceiving. His journey resonates with many who are working hard to improve their circumstances and strive for a better future, despite facing criticism and judgment along the way.