On Tuesday, 22 October, South Africa’s beloved couple, Siya and Rachel Kolisi, shocked fans by announcing their separation and impending divorce. The news was shared through a joint statement on their Instagram accounts, leaving many fans and followers around the world stunned and speculating about the reasons behind the split.
Following the announcement, Rachel Kolisi notably updated her Instagram bio, removing the title of “wife,” which many have taken as a confirmation of the couple’s plans to part ways.A Love Story and Family Legacy
Siya and Rachel Kolisi’s love story began in 2012. They married years later and have since welcomed two children, Nicholas and Keziah, into their family. The Kolisis also adopted Siya’s younger siblings, Liyema and Liphelo, showcasing their commitment to family values.
The Kolisi Fortune: Millions at Stake?
Continue reading Not fair: A look at Siya and Rachel Kolisi’s fortune worth millions. Who is going to get the house.