The recent buzz surrounding Samukele Mkhize, also known as Khwezi Maphosa on Skeem Saam, had fans on the edge of their seats. Speculation arose after entertainment commentator Jabu Mcdonald reported that Mkhize was leaving the show.
However, Skeem Saam swiftly addressed the rumors, clarifying that Mkhize is indeed staying put. In response to inquiries about her departure, the show stated firmly, “That is definitely fake news. Samukele isn’t leaving the show.”
Mcdonald later retracted his statement, acknowledging his error and apologizing for the confusion. Despite the mix-up, fans can expect gripping storylines to unfold, including a dramatic car crash involving Lehasa Maphosa. The teaser hints at a somber turn of events, with a car crash victim tragically succumbing to injuries in the hospital.
Continue reading Skeem Saam finally speaks on the news that Kwezi is leaving Skeem Saam.