Skeem Saam star Pebetsi Matlaila took her followers on a rollercoaster of emotions as she spilled the beans on her childbirth ordeal. She didn’t hold back, sharing graphic pics and videos from nine months ago when she and her daughter Qhawekazi fought for their lives in the ICU. With preeclampsia throwing punches, their second pregnancy was no walk in the park. Pebetsi calls it her “rebirth,” and no, she didn’t exaggerate; she was gone for three minutes, folks!Buckle up, because Pebetsi’s journey wasn’t a smooth one. Labor pains forced her to drive herself to the hospital with sky-high blood pressure threatening her and baby Q’s safety. Thanks to what she now calls her “Angels,” the doctors, they sprang into action. But as Pebetsi headed to the operating theater, she told a nurse she couldn’t breathe, and then it went dark. When she woke up, she learned the shocking truth: she’d been dead for three minutes, and her daughter arrived in this world a bit blue.
The ICU became their home for a month, but their miraculous tale still has doctors scratching their heads. Pebetsi can’t thank her “Angels” enough for saving their lives. She even survived a car accident during pregnancy, adding another twist to her wild ride. Now, with a newfound appreciation for life, she’s ready to tackle anything that comes her way.