Gomora actress Zodwa already had 5 children at the age of 21, & had her first child at the age of 14.“Gomora Star, Also Known as Zodwa, Shares Her Inspiring Journey: From Mother of Five at 21 to TV Success”
Sana Mchunu, known for her role as Zodwa in the popular soap opera Gomora, has a life story that’s nothing short of inspirational. During a recent interview on Jozi FM, the actress opened up about her tumultuous past and how her failed marriage became a catalyst for her career’s success.On the radio show, Sana offered words of encouragement to women in troubled marriages, advising them to consider leaving if their relationship no longer served their well-being. She also shared valuable insights with the younger generation, urging them to prioritize education and personal growth independently of their spouses.Reflecting on her own journey, Sana expressed gratitude for the dissolution of her marriage, stating, “I am grateful that it ended, else I would not be here today.”
Sana also revealed that she is the mother of seven children but has not completed her education. She openly discussed the challenges she faced, particularly becoming a mother of five by the age of 21.
“I want to share my story to inspire young women to pursue education and empower themselves,” she continued. “Today, I am a mother of seven children, and I haven’t even obtained my high school diploma. At 21, I was already a mother of five.”Sana discussed how her entry into the entertainment industry came about, saying, “A friend of mine, a singer, asked me to accompany her to auditions.” During this fateful trip, she decided to try out for a role at Kalawa Jazmee, leading to her fortunate casting.
In the interview, Sana acknowledged the vital role played by her friend Winnie Khumalo in her career. She credited Winnie for taking her to various auditions, eventually landing her significant roles in popular telenovelas like Generations and The Queen.