Dirvorce rumours between Musa Mseleku & Mangwabe Mseleku #UthandoNesithembu

Apparently Musa Mseleku is about to show his wife number 5 of which Mangwabe who is number 4 is against everything that has to do with number 5. She made it clear that if it happens, she will leave Musa and her marriage. Musa sang a song “abahambe abahambayo syosala syincenga ”







meaning that he doesn’t care he just wants to accomplish his dream whether Mangwabe like it or not. We are waiting to see what is going to happen as wife number 5 is about to enter the Mseleku household, Dirvoce rumours between Mseleku & Mangwabe are growing strong #developingstory #keepingyouuptodate
#bringingnewsthatmatter #thebrandreports