Ayanda Ncwane Celebrating Her Last Born Son Mawenza Ncwane~~~He Turned 17

Football fans tend to be highly loyal to their group, just as the kin groups of our ancestral past would have been. This intense state of belonging, when a person feels as one with their group, is called identity fusion. Every sport and it’s teams has fans and these fans always stands by their teams no matter what the team might go through.

One of the greatest football teams in Mzansi is popularly knowledgeable as Orlando Pirates, this team is amongst the incredible and well known football clubs we have in South Africa. Ayanda Ncwane is also this team’s fan hence recently she took to social media to show off her new Orlando Pirates jersey which is absolutely stylish as she captioned her post:

“Oksalayo 😅, the 2021/22 @orlandopirates, women’s jersey is beautiful. I use mine to for both for being stylish & match days 🏴‍☠️ I wish you all the best for the season Mabhakabhaka. “. Her beauty in this jersey definitely left many of her followers absolutely gobsmacked. What do you think of this beautiful lady’s recent look? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below, like and don’t forget to hit the share button.